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发布日期: 2024年04月26

我司承诺熏马肠执行的Q/YLS0003S-2022(Q/YLS0003S-2022(腌腊肉制品))标准,其Listeria monocytogenes/25 g单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌/25g,Coagulase-positive staphylococci/g凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌/g,Salmonella/25 g沙门氏菌/25g,分别达到或优于Standard 1.6.1 - Microbiological Limits for Food澳新食品标准法典- 食品中微生物限量(Standard 1.6.1 - Microbiological Limits for Food),相应指标要求,对标结果见附表。

企业执行Q/YLS0003S-2022规定的内容符合国家有关法律法规、强制性标准及相关产业政策的要求, 已按程序由企业法人代表批准发布, 并在企业标准信息公共服务平台公开。我司对公开信息的真实性、准确性、合法性负责。


对标标准:Standard 1.6.1 - Microbiological Limits for Food澳新食品标准法典- 食品中微生物限量(Standard 1.6.1 - Microbiological Limits for Food)
关键指标名称 对标标准指标值 企业执行标准的指标值 比对结果 实验/评价方法标准
Listeria monocytogenes/25 g单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌/25g n=5,c=0,m=0 n=5,c=0,m=0 达到 (1) Subject to subclause (2) and subclause (3) the Australian/New Zealand Standard methods for Food Microbiology AS/NZS 1766, as of the date of commencement of this Standard, must be used to determine whether a food has exceeded the maximum permissible levels of the foodborne microorganisms specified in relation to that food in the Schedule. (2) Any equivalent method to those specified in subclause (1) as determined by the provisions of AS/NZS 4659 as of the date of commencement of this Standard, is permitted to be used for the purposes of this Standard. (3) The Australia/New Zealand Standard Methods for Water Microbiology AS 4276 must be used for packaged water, packaged ice and mineral water.
Coagulase-positive staphylococci/g凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌/g n=5,c=1,m=100,M=1000 n=5,c=1,m=100,M=1000 达到 (1) Subject to subclause (2) and subclause (3) the Australian/New Zealand Standard methods for Food Microbiology AS/NZS 1766, as of the date of commencement of this Standard, must be used to determine whether a food has exceeded the maximum permissible levels of the foodborne microorganisms specified in relation to that food in the Schedule. (2) Any equivalent method to those specified in subclause (1) as determined by the provisions of AS/NZS 4659 as of the date of commencement of this Standard, is permitted to be used for the purposes of this Standard. (3) The Australia/New Zealand Standard Methods for Water Microbiology AS 4276 must be used for packaged water, packaged ice and mineral water.
Salmonella/25 g沙门氏菌/25g n=5,c=0,m=0 n=5,c=0,m=0 达到 (1) Subject to subclause (2) and subclause (3) the Australian/New Zealand Standard methods for Food Microbiology AS/NZS 1766, as of the date of commencement of this Standard, must be used to determine whether a food has exceeded the maximum permissible levels of the foodborne microorganisms specified in relation to that food in the Schedule. (2) Any equivalent method to those specified in subclause (1) as determined by the provisions of AS/NZS 4659 as of the date of commencement of this Standard, is permitted to be used for the purposes of this Standard. (3) The Australia/New Zealand Standard Methods for Water Microbiology AS 4276 must be used for packaged water, packaged ice and mineral water.

单位名称   伊犁黎氏食品有限公司 法定代表人   黎劲松
统一社会信用代码   916540027668310783 联系人   黎劲松
注册地址   新疆伊犁州伊宁市园艺场 联系电话  
